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Apr 18, 2011
Best fingering for a troublesome pattern....
by: Kermit

Thanks for you continued advice.... the song is "Meadowlands" by James McBeth.... we are preparing it for NYSSMA Major Organization Festival at end of this month...

Apr 15, 2011
Best fingering for a troublesome pattern
by: Kermit W

Thanks Chris, The passage is in the clarion range with the first ledger line A.... and we have been doing everything you have stated.... taking it SLOW and breaking it down... the G# to F# switch is the hardest for them so we have been doing just those 2 notes then putting the whole pattern together. Is getting better... as you said nothing beats good ole practice

Kermit Wamsley
Director of Bands
RCS Middle School
Ravena, NY 12143


Hello Kermit,

Fantastic advice on working the pattern two notes at a time. This is another technique I use all of the time. Then, once I have the two-note pattern up to speed, I'll add the third note, then fourth, etc...

Good luck to you and your students. What passage or music is this pattern on that you are working with your students? Thanks.


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