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Clarinet Sight Reading Lesson - Following are ideas to become a better sight reader on clarinet. What is sight-reading? Well, it’s reading music proficiently upon first sight.
Someone, your private clarinet teacher, band director, orchestra director, jazz-band director, all-county or all-state judge sets a new piece of music in front of you and say, “Read this.”
Often, they will give you a little time to look over it before you play. You've come to the right place for tips and exercises to think about during that short time period.
For many, sight-reading well is a life-long pursuit. For professional musicians, it’s a way of life.
Your improvement of sight-reading skills will improve your musicianship and help you win a better chair placement at every level from middle school band, to all-state auditions and professional clarinet jobs like studio work, symphony orchestras and military bands.
Yep, I played this Flight of the Bumblebee on Clarinet accompanied by a Squeeze Toy Giraffe. If you want to learn how to increase your speeds for any piece, etude or scale, the information is all here on Bumblebee Loops.
By the way, the video is not AI generated.
FREE ONLINE CLARINET LESSON - SIGHT READING Ten basic tips to improve your sight-reading on clarinet.
1. Do it! Improve your musical literacy
2. Check the time signature
3. Check the key signature
4. Figure out your tempo
5. Look for accidentals
6. Pick out difficult rhythms
7. Look for patterns
8. Look for dynamic markings: Sight-read expression
9. Look for road maps
10. Use your ears. Hear the music before you play it
For a more in-depth explanation of each of these tips, click here for a Sight Reading Lesson.
Go the extra mile and improve your instantaneous musicianship.
1. Read duets
2. Sight-sing
3. Read outside your style
4. Find odd meters and rhythms to read
5. Sight read transpositions
6. Read outside your own clef
1. Start simply. Church hymns.
2. Marches
3. See if your local music educators association has PDF music requirements for all-county or all-state on their websites.
4. Find duets books to read with friends.
CLARINET SIGHT READING ULTIMATE GOAL Who are the sight-reading professionals?
What is the sight-reading challenge?
Check out the sight-reading exercise.
Read one final sight-reading warning.
Find out the answers to these questions here at Sight-Reading Ultimate Goal.