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Following are Clarinet Exercises with Clarinet Left Hand Position tutorials to improve your technique and speed.  The videos are meant for you to practice with Chris as he discusses the left hand and then demonstrates in further videos.  

G Major Clarinet Scale Demo

Embed code for G Major is:

This is the first of the series of Major Scale demonstrations which will end up on the Clarinet Major Scales page eventually.   Go to that page for your Free Downloadable Clarinet Major Scales PDF. 

Clarinet Exercises 1

E Loop - Left Hand Position

E LOOP Left Hand Position is the beginning of a three part series.  On this video we take a short excerpt of The Flight of the Bumblebee from Chris' book Bumblebee Loops. Chris explains clarinet left hand position as it relates to this loop starting on first line E.  

Exercise 2

E Loop - Practice Eighths 100-200

On this exercise practice the E LOOP from #Bumblebee Loops in eighth notes from MM 100-200.  

Exercise 3

E Loop - Practice Sixteenths 100-200

On this clarinet exercise practice the E LOOP from #Bumblebee Loops in sixteenth notes from MM 100-200.  

Exercise 4

A Loop 1 - Left Hand Position

This clarinet tutorial addresses the clarinet left hand position as it relates to the A LOOP in #BumblebeeLoops   This is one of three videos discussing the left hand position first and then practicing the exercise from eighths at 100-200 to the third video practicing sixteenths 100-200.

Exercise 5

A Loop 2 - Practice Eighths 100-200

On this clarinet exercise practice the A LOOP from #Bumblebee Loops  in eighth notes from MM 100-200.   If you find this video first, look at video A LOOP 1 Left Hand Position also on @clarinetnow youtube channel.  This video is a practice video and meant for you to play along with Chris.    

Exercise 6

A Loop 3 - Practice Sixteenths 100-200

On this clarinet exercise practice the A LOOP from #Bumblebee Loops  in sixteenth notes from MM 100-200.   If you find this video first, look at video A LOOP 1 Left Hand Position and A LOOP 2 practice eighths 100-200 also on @clarinetnow youtube channel.  This video is a practice video and meant for you to play along with Chris.    

For all of the videos above you can find the exercises in Bumblebee Loops by Christopher Jones here on 

Again, these videos are intended for you to practice with Chris.  Look at the clarinet left hand position videos with your clarinet and a mirror nearby to see if you are doing any of the proper or improper movements of fingers or the left wrist.   If so, work on those with these exercises.

Then, with the repetition videos, make sure you get your Clarinet Now to practice with Chris.  Take the proper rests in between each metronome notch movement, and then play.  If you are currently unable to make a certain tempo, stop playing, mark that tempo, and then back up the metronome and practice the slower tempo for a few weeks or months.   Then, try to move up the metronome again and see how fast you made it smoothly and evenly.  

If you have any questions, please address Chris here at or any social media sites AKA as @clarinetnow.   Best practicing and go get your Clarinet Now!!!  Best, Chris