Comments for Clarinet Embouchure/Air

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Oct 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

My apologizes for the very late response. I am still playing clarinet at least 5 to 6 hours a week. I am making a schedule to play atleast 30 minutes a day..hoping to play an hour at least in the upcoming weeks/months. Hoping to keep it at that rate.

The sound is now much better but sometimes I still loose the 'tension' in the air. Playing long tones from the G to the high E is helping a lot!

Now I am trying to make my sound much rounder but I have still problems with it, I try every shape in my mount but it isn't working. Do you know if there is anything I can practice blowing on? I am using balloons which are helping a lot, those magician balloons.

Anyway, I am visiting this site often to look for more nice articles!


Nov 21, 2010
by: Paul Vinken

Thanks for this fast reply Chris. I haven't been able to fully practice with this yet (only 2 days out of 6-7) due a concert which went nice. We got arround 150-170 visitors for this first attempt.

I'll let you know how it goes each week! The articles itself already helped a bit, now I need to tweak it even more :D

Paul Vinken

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