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Clarinet Mouthpiece

Clarinet mouthpiece. If you purchased or received a clarinet and play the mouthpiece that originally came in that case, you are in for a big surprise. The dirty little secret is that most stock mouthpieces that come with the clarinet are horrible, usually very free blowing for the very, very beginner clarinetist.

D Major

Here is the D Major Clarinet Scale demonstration.  The scales are all linked to each other, so collect them all.  Remember this, "Stop Scrolling, Go Practice, Bumblebee Loops."

BUYING A GOOD QUALITY MOUTHPIECE IS THE SINGLE BEST IMPROVEMENT YOU CAN MAKE IN YOUR CLARINET SOUND QUALITY. So, if you are financially strapped and cannot afford a clarinet now, search for some good mouthpieces. is a good place to start.

Starting with a good mouthpiece is important. I usually have my students try the Vandoren M-13 Clarinet Mouthpiece, Vandoren 5RV-Lyre Mouthpiece, and the Vandoren M-30 Mouthpiece.

Understand there are many, many, many more types of mouthpieces. But, these are a good place to start.

If you are buying or trying clarinets, ligatures, mouthpieces or barrels, read the Clarinet Equipment RULE OF THREE page here.