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Apr 22, 2012
by: D.J.

I am back to clarinet playing after a "too long" a hiatus. My souund is staying power is awful. I'm in an "adult" concert band and I am frustrated by my lack of staying power. My lips get floppy after about 20 minutes - same with practicing.
I saw your suggestions re: practice schedule and routines. Is it also possible that I'm doing something "wrong" with my jaw. I do have bad TMJ and it's worse since I have resumed playing.Wear a bite plate at night.

Apr 22, 2012
"tired" lips
by: D.J.

I am back to clarinet playing after a "too long" a hiatus. My souund is staying power is awful. I'm in an "adult" concert band and I am frustrated by my lack of staying power. My lips get floppy after about 20 minutes - same with practicing.
I saw your suggestions re: practice schedule and routines. Is it also possible that I'm doing something "wrong" with my jaw. I do have bad TMJ and it's worse since I have resumed playing.Wear a bite plate at night.

Jun 09, 2010
I like
by: Radu Prisacaru

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